You Searched for: jaxay shah
PMAY Extension to Significantly Boost Indian Affordable Housing Sector

The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)'s financial assistance for 30 million more housing units will boost affordable housing and move closer to the government's goal of housing for all.

By Admin

  • 14th Jun 2024
The GIFT City Master Expansion Plan - Paving the Way for a Global Financial Hub

GIFT City's second phase, comprising town planning concepts, is anticipated after state government evaluation and public comment. This phase intends to strengthen GIFT City's global financial hub status.

By Admin

  • 12th Dec 2023
Ahmedabad-based Savvy Group Ventures Into Mumbai Real Estate

Savvy Group, a real estate developer located in Ahmedabad, has announced its debut into the Mumbai real estate market.

By Admin

  • 14th Feb 2023
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