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Maharashtra Property Registration Office Starts Hiding Fingerprints and Aadhaar Numbers on Scanned Sale documents and Rental Agreements

Maharashtra Property Registration Office Starts Hiding Fingerprints and Aadhaar Numbers on Scanned Sale documents and Rental Agreements

By Admin

  • 1st Oct 2023
In November 2022, 8756 Property Sale Registrations Were Recorded in Mumbai

November 2022 saw a 15 percent year-over-year increase in property registrations in Mumbai and a 22 percent year-over-year increase in government income collection.

By Admin

  • 18th Dec 2022
September 2022 Witnesses Around 8600 Property Sale Registrations in Mumbai Real Estate Market

According to Mumbai property specialists, the number of property sale registrations in BMC-registered Mumbai in September 2022 exceeded 8,600 units. These property registrations generated around 7341 Cr rupees to the economy of Maharashtra.

By Admin

  • 26th Oct 2022
More Than 400 Developers in Maharashtra Choose E-registration in 120 Days Post Online Facility Launch For Primary Properties

In Maharashtra, over 400 real estate developers have submitted for e-registration of their projects from their offices since October 2021, when the online service for first-sale homes was offered to reduce congestion at the state's sub-registrar offices.

By Admin

  • 17th Feb 2022
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