Deputy Mayor And Deputy Commissioner Takes A Surprise Visit To Bhandewadi Dumping Yard! Dirty Acts Get Exposed
- 12th Jul 2016
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Nagpur. A private company named Super Hygiene Disposal Company undertakes the works of collection and disposal of Bio-medical Waste Management and Handling from all hospitals (private and government run) on a Private Public Partnership (PPP) representative in the city. NMC has compressed this set and disposal of bio-waste to this company functioning since past last 4-5 years. The disposal is said to be set out at Bhandewadi Dumping Yard.
Super Hygienic Disposal Company’s established a plant where bio-medical waste is crushed, compressed and destroyed at Bhandewadi Railway Station.
This company functions the work of set of Bio-medical Waste Management and Handling from different hospitals (private and government run). The company charges anindividual amount from the hospitals.
The company carries out disposal of Bio-medical Waste and sells some of them waste earns some pay. The company then pays a royalty (on yearly basis) to Nagpur Municipal Corporation. This royalty is said to run in lakhs.
Deputy Mayor Satish Holay received report that some illegal people purchase some of the bio-medical waste and after cleansing and processing them and sell these products back into the market.
Around 15 days ago, the Deputy Mayor had visited the location and inspected the works there. While he was on the location, he saw many vehicles carrying out bio-medical wastes from the company’s office at the Bhandewadi. However, he never stopped any vehicle or took any action. He was keeping a watch for last 15 days on all happenings at the company’s office in Bhandewadi.
On July 1, 2016 suddenly Deputy Mayor SatishHolay took Deputy Commissioner Jayant Dandegoankar and a team of media personnel to the location without disclosing the reason. There the team checked all the vehicles standing at the location. However, they did not find anything there.
The crushing machine is said to be under repair and appeared as if it was not in a working condition for a long span. The incinerator too was also not working during their visit. The stock-room of bio-medical waste was dark and filled to the brim. Another hall that was situated beside the stock-room had bag plastic packets where goods were sorted and washed. These goods include: Gloves, syringes and Saline-bottles.
However, the very purpose of the sudden raid was defeated since no vehicle was found taking away the bio-medical wastes.
Deputy Mayor Satish Holay then addressed the media personnel and said that this individual company undertakes the work of collection of bio-medical Waste Management and Handling from Various hospitals (private and government run). They are supposed to wash and crush these bio-medical waste products to prevent their re-use in any way. However, no-crushing activity is observed here in this industry. Goods like Gloves, syringes and Saline-bottles are sorted out and kept in separate bags. After cleaning them they are coming back into the market. No action has been initiated against this Private Company.
He added the authorities of Nagpur Municipal Corporation should monitor and undertake the work of supervision of their working hours. He claimed that he will have to go through the contract and only then can some suitable action be taken against them. However, he did agree that he did not find any trucks carrying out bio-medical waste products outside the premises during their sudden inspection.
Additional Deputy Municipal (II) Jayanath Dandegoankar while speaking media personnel said that he was the part of the squad that undertook the sudden inspection on the urging of Deputy Mayor Satish Holay. They paid a surprise visit to the Super Hygienic Disposal Company at Bhandewadi. He said that these bio-medical wastes should be scientifically disposed. He added that there are various goods like gloves, syringes, plastic saline-glucose bottles, and plastic syringes etc.which should be destroyed. While answering to a query. He claimed that some goods have to be washed before disposing while others have to go directly to the incinerator.
Jayanath Dandegoankar said that they will undertake a detailed study and if they find that there is any disrespect of law or commission of any folly, they will certainly take penal action against the owners of the company.
The employees of the company said that the land of this company is in friends’ circle of the opposition party in Nagpur Municipal Corporation. The leader of the opposition party and Deputy Mayor Satish Holay has a long standing enmity among them. This act of sudden raid is a result of taking vendetta.
Information about this raid or surprise inspection was kept hidden even from Municipal Commissioner and Mayor. They knew of the raid but were not told the location. The Zonal Health Officer or the related zone said that, three years ago, a vehicle carrying bio-medical waste was caught red-handed. Then Zonal Officer was Ravi Gaikwad. A complaint was also lodged with the police. Someone also claimed that the information of this surprise raid was leaked which prevented the corrupt people getting caught red-handed.
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