
Gotheghar SHAHPUR TALUKA Ready Reckoner Rate 2013

Zone No. INFLUENCE AREA Rate in Rs. Calculation Results in
1 to 2 1. Hilly Area.
2. Forest (Reserved / Other). Survey No. 279
6 Jiyarati Land.
Survey No. 1/1 /1, 1/3, 2/2/1, 5/2/1/1, 5/2/1/3, 6/1 to 6/7, 6/1/2, 7/5, 7/6, 7/7Pt, 7/9, 8/1/2, 8/1/1, 8/2, 8/3, 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 11/1, 11/3,12/1 to 12/11, 13/1 to 13/6,14/1 to 14/13,15/11/1, 15/2 to 15/10,16/1,16/2/1, 16/2/2, 16/3,16/4,16/5/1,16/6, 16/7, 16/8, 16/5/2, 17/1 to 17/7, 18/1/1, 18/l/2, 18/2,19/1, 19/2, 19/3, 19/4/1, 19/4/2, 19/4/3, 19/5, 20/1, 20/2, 20/3, 20/4/1, 20/4/2, 20/5/1, 20/5/2, 20/5/3, 20/6, 21 /A, 21 /B, 21 /C, 22/A, 22/B, 22/C, 22/D, 23, 24/A/1, 24/A/2, 24/B, 25, 26/1, 26/2, 27/1/1, 27/1/2, 27/2, 27/3, 27/4, 27/7/2, 27/7/3, 28/1/1, 28/1/2, 28/2/1, 28/2/2, 28/2/3, 28/2/4, 29/3/2, 29/4, 29/5/1, 30/1/1/4, 30/11/2/1, 30/1/3/1, 30/3/1 /1, 30/3/1/2, 30/3/2/1, 30/3/3, 30/4/1, 30/4/2,30/4/3, 30/5, 31/1 to 31/5, 32/1 to 32/5, 33, 34, 36/4, 36/2, 36/1/16 to 36/1/19,36/1/115, 36/1/12 to 36/1/14, 36/1/9, 36/11/4 to 36/1/7, 36/1 /3Pt, 37/1 Pt, 37/2 to 37/5, 38, 41 /1 Pt, 41/1, 42/1/1, 43, 44/A/1 Pt, 46/A, 46/B, 46/C, 47/3, 47/2, 47/1, 48, 49/2, 49/1, 55/3/1, 56/1 Pt, 57, 59/2, 59/1, 60/2, 60/1, 61, 62/A, 63/1 to 63/3, 64/1 to 64/4
1187500 Hectare.
9 Non-Agricultural Land.
Survey No. 1 /1 /B, 1/4A, 1/4/1, 1/4/2, 1/5, 1/1/2, 2/1, 2/2/2, 2/3, 2/4Pt, 2/1 Pt, 3pt, 3/1, 3/2/2, 4/1/1, 4/2, 5/1, 5/2/1/2, 5/2/1/4, 5/2/1/5, 5/2/3, 5/2/2, 6/4Pt, 7/8, 7/2, 7/3, 7/4, 7/1 Pt, 11 /2/A, 11 /2/B, 26/3, 27/5, 27/6, 27/7/1, 29/11/1, 29/3, 29/1/2, 29/2, 29/3/3, 30/1/1/3, 30/1/2/2, 30/1/3/2, 30/3/2Pt, 30/4, 30/1/11/1, 30/1/1/2, 30/1/1/5, 30/2Pt, 35, 36/1/2, 36/3, 36/5, 36/11/10, 36/1 /3Pt, 36/1/11, 36/1/8, 36/1/1, 37/1/3, 37/11/4, 37/1 /2Pt, 37/1 Pt, 39/A Pt, 39B, 39/C, 40/A Pt, 40/3, 41/2B, 41/2/D, 41/2C, 41 /A/1, 42/11/2, 42/2/C Pt, 42/3, 42/2/A, 42/2/C, 45, 52, 55/1 A, 55/3/2, 55/1 B+2, 56/1 Pt, 56/2Pt, 58, 62/B
1850 Sq. Mtr.
  9.1 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. 1850 Sq. Mtr.
  9.2 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land on Highway. Survey No. 1890 Sq. Mtr.
  9.3 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Industrial Land. Survey No. 2340 Sq. Mtr.
11 Possible Non-Agricultural Land. NA NA
12 Gauthan (Rate Per Sq. Mtr.) 2030 NA
19 Residential Flats. 18800 Sq. Mtr.
20 Shops. 31200 Sq. Mtr.
25 Office / Industrial / Godown. 25000 Sq. Mtr.

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