
Ambernath Ambernath Municipal Corporation Ready Reckoner Rate 2015

Village No.
/ zone No.
Details Rate of Open
Land per
Sq. Mtr.
Rate of Building + Land in Rs. per sq. mtr. Built-up
Office /
On Above
Shop /
on Ground
7/23. C-5/2) Property in Loknagri Colony in Ambernath. C.T.S. No. 9273, 9362, 9560 8000 38400 47800 58100 47800
7/24. Un-Developed Property in Village Ambernath. Per Sq.Mtr. C.T.S. No. 9240 to 9248, 9255 to 9258, 9358, 9367 to 9374, 9456, 9459, 9461, 9463 to 9465, 9467, 9469 to 9477, 9498 to 9553 2400 NA NA NA NA
7/20. C-2) Properties on Shiv Mandir Road (Portion facing road from 60 Feet Road upto Shiv Mandir) on South of Kalyan Pune Railway Line in Village Ambernath. C.T.S. No. 6370, 7500, 7501, 8870 to 8876, 8879, 8941 8300 40600 50900 59600 50900
7/21. C-4-4) Portion of properties on South of Kalyan Pune Railway Line in Village Ambernath. Part towards West of above Subzone No.7/20 in Ambernath Village. C.T.S. No. 4375 to 4402, 7461 to 7486 7050 39200 48700 62000 48700
7/22. C-5 Dh1) All Portion of properties on South-West of Kalyan Pune Railway Line in Village Chikhloli Ambernath. (Kansai Part, Kohaj Khutvali Part, Vadvali Full, Ambernath Part, Morvali Part, Chikhloli Residential Part) (1) Inside portion on East of Railway to Shiv Mandir Road leaving aside Vadavli and Morvali Village. From this remaining part leaving aside Loknagri Complex in Ambernath Village, balance all portion) C.T.S. No. 8864 to 8868, 8880 to 8953, 9053, 9177 to 9239, 9249 to 9254, 9260 to 9275, 9297, 9356, 9357, 9359, 9360, 9361, 9363 to 9366, 9375 to 9455, 9457, 9458, 9460, 9462, 9466, 9468, 9554 to 9559, 9561 to 9564, 9574, 9577 to 9583, 9587 5900 31900 42600 49300 42600

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