
Kohaj Khuntvali Ambernath Municipal Corporation Ready Reckoner Rate 2015

      Rate of Building + Land in Rs. per sq. mtr. Built-up
Village No.
/ zone No.
Details Rate of Open
Land per
Sq. Mtr.
Office /
On Above
Shop /
on Ground
1/5. Un-developed portion in village Kohaj
Khuntvali. Per Sq.Mtr.

C.T.S. No. 4 to 15, 23, 25, 26, 27, 34, 62/1, 62/2, 62/3, 62/4, 72/1, 81, 102/5, 5369, 6367, 6368, 6369, 6371
3700 NA NA NA NA
1/1. A(1) All portion on North-West of Khuntvali-
Ulhasnagar-Badlapur state road (Kohaj
Khuntvali portion). Properties facing road
from Ulhasnagar to Badlapur and portion
facing road on East-North of road.

Survey No. 535, 536, 2634, 3232 to 3239, 3343 to 3383, 5137 to 5145, 5158 to 5177, 5199, 5215 to 5297, 5299 to 5307, 5379 to 5385, 6385 to 6411, 7927, 7928, 7938 to 7945, 7948 to 7955, 7959, 7995
8600 36600 45500 56200 45500
1/2. A(2) All portion on North-West of Khuntvali-
Ulhasnagar-Badlapur state road (Kohaj
Khuntvali portion). Properties included on
East of state road from Ulhasnagar to
Badlapur (Kohaj Khuntvali portion).

Survey No. 1, 2, 3, 16 to 24, 28 to 33, 35 to 71, 73 to 80, 82 to 101, 103 to145, 147 to 533, 536 to 1224, 1230 to 2387,2406 to 3172, 3225 to 3231, 3240 to 3283, 3285, 5308 to 5368, 5370 to 5539, 6301 to 6366, 6372 to 6384, 6412 to 6628, 7956 to 7994, 7996 to 8067, 8295 to 8381
8400 39900 53400 64900 53400
1/3. B) All portion on South of Village Khuntvali-
Ulhasnagar-Badlapur state road (Kohaj). Portion between Ulhasnagar Badlapur State Road and Kalyan Pune Railway Line.

Survey No. 3284, 3286 to 3342, 5021 to 5126, 5135, 5136, 5146 to 5157, 5178 to 5214, 5540 to 5683, 5685 to 6300, 6613, 6620, 6629 to 6653, 7863, 7890 to 7926, 7935 to 7937, 7946, 8532
7500 35400 52100 71100 52100
1/4. C-1-1) Portion on South of Kalyan - Pune
Railway Line. (Kohaj Khuntavali Part
Residential Part) - Shiv Mandir Road from
Railway Line to 60 Feet road on South (Both
side portion of this road in this Village).

Survey No. 3691 to 3710, 4732 to 5020, 5127 to 5134, 6782 to 6878, 6931 to 7230, 7271 to 7285, 7502 to 7615
11600 46200 55000 74800 55000

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