
Umberpada (nandade) PALGHAR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Ready Reckoner Rate 2015

Zone No. INFLUENCE AREA Rate in Rs. Calculation Results in
2 Forest (Reserved / Offer). Survey No. 38PT, 51 1792400 Hectare.
6 Jiyarati Land. Survey No. 1 to 6. 8, 10 to 12, 15, 16, 24, 30 to 33, 36, 37, 39, 46, 49, 50, 52 2487200 Hectare.
9 Non-Agricultural Land. Survey No. 7, 9, 13, 53 3900 Sq. Mtr.
11 Possible Non-Agricultural Land.    
  11.1 Possible Non-Agricultural (Highway) Land. Survey No. 9B, 9C, 13, 22, 23, 25A, 26 to 29, 34, 35, 36A, 36B, 40 to 45, 55 to 58 5060 Sq. Mtr.
  11.2 Possible Non-Agricultural Land (Road) Rate. Survey No. 9A, 13, 14, 14A, 17, 24A, 24B, 24, 25 4220 Sq. Mtr.
  11.3 Possible Non-Agricultural. Other Land touching Gaothan Survey No. 2, 8, 18 to 21, 25B, 37B, 47, 48, 54 2960 Sq. Mtr.
12 Gaothan (Rate Per Sq. Mtr.). Survey No. Gaothan 1. Gaothan 2 4700 Sq. Mtr.
27 Other Developing Zone. NA NA
  27.2 Residential Flats. (For full village) 29000 Sq. Mtr.
  27.3 Office/Industrial. (For full village) 34800 Sq. Mtr.
  27.4 Shop/Commercial. (For full village) 43500 Sq. Mtr.
30 Industrial Zone 3340 Sq. Mtr.
41 Phalbaug - Aamba (Fruit Farm - Mango) 1558300 Hectare.
42 Phalbaug - Kaju (Fruit Farm - Cashew) 2412300 Hectare.
43 Phalbaug - Naral (Fruit Farm - Coconut) 2317000 Hectare.
44 Phalbaug - Supari (Fruit Farm - Beatle Nut) 2317000 Hectare.
45 Phalbaug - Keli (Fruit Farm - Banana) 2109000 Hectare.
46 Phalbaug - Chiku (Fruit Farm - Chiku) NA NA
79 Shops NA NA
81 Residential Flat NA NA
82 Office NA NA

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