
Kalwa THANE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Ready Reckoner Rate 2015

Village No.
/ Zone No.
Details Rate of Open
Land per
Sq. Mtr.
Rate of Building + Land in Rs. per sq. mtr. Built-up
Office /
On Above
Shop /
on Ground
14/50. 10A) Properties on North of old Mumbai-Pune Highway.
Tika No.1. Survey No. 1/10, 1/11, 1/12,1/14 to 1/22, 1/27, 1/28, 1/29, 1/34 to 1/47, 1/50 to 1/72,1/75 to 1/82, 1/85 to 1/89, 1/433 to 1/439
C.T.S. No. 1/1, 1/2,1/5
16800 48800 64000 88100 64000
14/51. 10A) Properties on North of old Mumbai-Pune Highway. Not Developed. Per Sq. Mtr.
Tika No.1. Survey No. 1/13
6400 NA NA NA NA
14/52. 1OB) Properties facing old Mumbai-Pune Highway.
Tika No.2. C.T.S.No. 2/3, 2/4, 2/6 to 2/88, 2/153 to 2/268, 2/885 to 2/966, 2/1122 to 2/1160
Tika No.3. C.T.S.No. 3/89 to 3/152, 3/269 to 3/343, 3/345 to 3/618, 3/625 to 3/642, 3/676 to 3/706, 3/708 to 3/756, 3/813
to 3/851, 3/857 to 3/860, 3/1161 to 3/1167
Tika NoA C.T.S.No. 4/1086 to 4/1109, 4/1112 to 4/1119, 4/1121, 4/1328
Tika No.5. C.T.S.No. 5/656 to 5/675, 5/776 to 5/803, 5/1214 to 5/1225, 5/1247 to 5/1304
Tika No.5. Survey No. 5/1 to 5/9, 5/23 to 5/26, 5/30 to 5/33, 5/48, 5/49, 5/73, 5/74, 5/83, 5/84, 5/98, 5/99, 5/100, 5/103,
5/104, 5/110, 5/111, 5/125, 5/126, 5/127, 5/128, 5/130, 5/428 to 5/432
25300 63400 79200 106000 79200
14/53. 10C) Triangular portion between Railway line and Highway.
Tika No.3. C.T.S.No. 3/ 619 to 3/624, 3/643 to 3/649, 3/812 to 3/856, 3/861 to 3/884
Met NoA C.T.S.No. 4/967 to 4/1085, 4/1110, 4/1111
Tika No.5. C.T.S.No. 5/650 to 5/655, 5/804 to 5/811, 5/1168 to 5/1213, 5/1226 to 5/1246, 5/1305 to 5/1327
Tika No.6. C.T.S.No. 6/1329 to 6/1333, 6/1340 to 6/1355
Tika No.7. C.T.S.No. 7/1334 to 7/1339
Tika No.8. Survey No. 8/90, 8/92 to 8/97, 8/101, 8/102, 8/105 to 8/109, 8/112 to 8/124, 8/129, 8/131 to 8/138, 8/377 to 8/415, 8/417 to 8/425, 8/427, 8/435, 8/440, 8/440A, 8/455
Tika No.8. C.T.S.No. 8/1356 to 8/1381
24300 60900 76200 101900 76200
14/54. 10C) Triangular portion between Railway line and Highway. Undeveloped Land. Per Sq. Mtr.
Tika No.10. Survey No. 10/426
7900 NA NA NA NA
14/55. 10D) Triangular portion between North and South of Central Railway line.
Survey No. 91, 139 to 236, 242A, 257 to 272, 274, 275, 276, 291 to 296, 300 to 308
17500 48200 57300 67900 57300
14/56. 10E) All the portion of land on South of Main Central Railway excluding protected forest.
Tika No.9. C.T.S. No. 9/1382 to 9/1569, 9/1574 to 9/1626
8900 33900 42900 55600 42900
14/57. 10E) All the portion of land on South of Main Central Railway excluding protected forest.
Tika No.9A. Survey No. 9A/236 to 9A/256, 9A/273, 9A/277 to 9A/290, 9A/297, 9A/298, 9A/299, 9A/309 to 9A/338, 9A/340, 9A/342, 9A/344 to 9A/373, 9A/374A, 9A/444, 416
Tika No.9A. C.T.S. No. 9A/1570 to 9A/1573, 9A/1627 to 9A/1708
10700 37700 49200 75500 49200
14/58. 10E) All the portion of land on South of Main Central Railway excluding protected forest.
Undeveloped Land. Per Sq. Mtr.
Tika No.9A. Survey No. 9A/9A/339
4200 NA NA NA NA
14/59. 10F) Protected forest.
Survey No. 341, 343
4600 NA NA NA NA

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