

Zone No. INFLUENCE AREA Rate in Rs. Calculation Results in
1 Hilly Area. NA NA
2 Forest (Reserved / Other). Survey No. 833 NA NA
3 Grazing Fields.
Survey No. 426 to 428, 734, 735, 768, 771, 772/1, 801, 802, 803, 805, 807, 808, 812A, 813C, 819, 831 A, 831, 840, 842A, 842C, 851
4 & 5 4. Land under control of Defence Department. 5. Land Notified for the project. NA NA
6 Jiyarati Land
Survey No. 8 to 106, 109 to 160, 162, 166, 217 to 219, 221, 224 to 230, 232, 283 to 288, 290 to 322, 327 to 344, 346 to 348, 350 to 356, 359 to 388, 389, 392, 394 to 414, 420 to 425, 429 to 447, 463 to 491, 493 to 517, 519 to 588, 592 to 601, 622 to 720, 722 to 726, 728, 730, 735, 765, 769, 786, 789, 790, 792, 816, 818, 823, 825, 832, 846
920 Sq. Mtr.
9 Non-Agricultural Land. NA NA
10 Unauthorised Non-Agricultural Land. NA NA
11 Possible Non-Agricultural Land. NA NA
  11.1 Possible Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate.
Survey No. 181, 231 to 238, 246 to 248, 250 to 282, 289, 859 to 866
2740 Sq. Mtr.
12 Gaothan. Rate per Sq. Mtr. Survey No. Gauthan, Pade, Tarichapada 3300 Sq. Mtr.
27 Other developing zone.    
  27.9 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate. 3300 Sq. Mtr.
  27.10 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Residential Flat Rate. 18900 Sq. Mtr.
  27.12 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Shop Rate.
Survey No. 1 to 7, Chawlpeth, 179 Gaothan, 186 to 214, 358
28400 Sq. Mtr.
  27.13 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate. 3000 Sq. Mtr.
  27.14 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Residential Flat Rate. 18900 Sq. Mtr.
  27.16 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Shop Rate. 28400 Sq. Mtr.
  27.17 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate. 3010 Sq. Mtr.
  27.18 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Residential Flat Rate. 18900 Sq. Mtr.
  27.20 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Shop Rate.
Survey No. Arunapada
28400 Sq. Mtr.
  27.21 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate. 3010 Sq. Mtr.
  27.22 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Residential Flat Rate. 18900 Sq. Mtr.
  27.24 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Shop Rate. Survey No. Sahapada 28100 Sq. Mtr.
  27.25 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate. 3010 Sq. Mtr.
  27.26 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Residential Flat Rate. 18900 Sq. Mtr.
  27.28 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Shop Rate. Survey No. Tarichapada 28400 Sq. Mtr.
  27.5 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Land Rate. 3410 Sq. Mtr.
  27.6 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Residential Flat Rate. 19600 Sq. Mtr.
  27.8 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land. Shop Rate. 29100 Sq. Mtr.

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