Aagar Aambemohar Dahanu Dahanu Ready Reckoner Rate 2016
Dhanu Municipal Council
Village No. / Zone No. | Details | Rate of Open Land per Sq. Mtr. | Rate of Building + Land in Rs. per sq. mtr. Built-up
1/1 | Land : 1 ) Limit on East Kalyan Narpad Road from Bhimu Nathu Mali's House to Baba Shimpi's House, on West Municipal Council Limit to Arabean Sea touching North South Municipal Council Limit up to Narpad Village's limit, Cottage Hospital Non-Agricultural on South. Gaothan, Survey No. 15, 16, 20, 135, 140A, 143, 144, 145, 146, 151 |
3520 | 20600 | 25500 | 31600 | 25500 | ||||
1/2 | Land : 2, on East Railway Line, on West portion on East of Kalyan Narpad Road, on South Society Office to Narpad Road Straight Line, on North Municipal Limit and Narpad Village Limit. Survey No. 17, 22, 23, 24, 34, 36, 37, 38, 50, 51, 52, 53, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 138, 142, 153 , 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 168, 173 |
3430 | 20400 | 24700 | 30500 | 24700 | ||||
1/3 | Land : 2 on East Railway line, on West, Eastern portion of Kalyan Narpad Road, on South Society oOffice to Narpad Road Straight Line, on North Undeveloped road on Municipal council limit and Narpad Village Limit. Survey No. 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 159, 160, 162, 167 |
1660 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
1/3 | Land : 2, On East Railway line, on West Eastern Portion of Kalyan Narpad Road, on South Society office to Narpad Road straight Line, on North Undeveloped road on Municipal Council Limit and Narpad Village Limit. Survey No. 18, 19, 21 |
1350 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
1/4 | Land : 7, on East Salty Land Saint Mary High School, on West Municipal Limit to touching Arabian Sea, on South Zonal Magistrate's Office, on North Cottage Hospital Limit. Survey No. 08/01/3, 8/1/1, 8A/l/2, 8/2, 8/3, 8/5, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/9, 8/10, 8/11, 8/13, 8/14, 8/15, 8/16, 8/17, 8/21, 13, 14, 140, 140A, 140C, 140D, 140B, 170D, 170B, 175 |
4070 | 23400 | 29300 | 35100 | 29300 | ||||
1/5 | Land : 8, Sheet No. 1, on East Khajan and Chandrasagar, on West Municipal Limit upto Arabian Sea, on South Magistrates Residence to on North Limit of Samiti Office. C. T. S. No. 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5A, 1 /5B/2A, 1/5B1/1 to 1/5B 1/9, 1/5B2 + 6, 1/6A, 1/6B 2A+7, 1/6B 2C+, 1/6B 2D, 1/6B 2B+, 1/6B 3, 1/6B1, 1/6B-4A, 1/7A/1, 1/7B 2C, 1/7B/2, 1/7B/3, 1/7B/4, 1/9/12, 1/12, 1/685, 1/687A1 + 68, 1/687A2, 1/687A2/1, 1/688B, 1/689G, 1/690G |
4730 | 23700 | 30100 | 35400 | 30100 | ||||
1/5 | Land : 8, Sheet No. 2, on East Khajan and Chandrasagar, on West Municipal Limit upto Arabian Sea, on South Magistrates Residence to on North Limit of Samiti Office C. T. S. No. 2/8/1, 2/8/2, 2/8/3, 2/8/4, 2/8/5, 2/9/1, 2/9/2, 2/9/3, 2/9/4, 2/9/5, 2/9/6, 2/9/7, 2/9/8, 2/9/9, 2/9/10, 2/10/1, 2/10/2, 2/10/3, 2/10/4, 2/10/5, 2/10/6, 2/10/7, 2/10/8, 2/10/9, 2/10/10, 2/10/11, 2/11 A, 2/11 C, 2/11 B, 2/12, 2/13G, 2/14A, 2/14C, 2/14C/22, 2/148, 2/15G, 2/16G, 2/682A, 2/682B, 2/682B-2, 2/682C, 2/683, 2/684G, 2/686 |
5060 | 25600 | 32100 | 38600 | 32100 | ||||
1/5 | Land : 8, Sheet No. 3, on East Khajan and Chandrasagar, on West Municipal Limit upto Arabian Sea, on South Magistrates Residence to on North Limit of Samiti Office. Revision Survey No. 3/166 Survey No. 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, 3/6, 3/7A, 3/7B, 3/8/18, 3/8/19, 3/31B, 3/130, 3/131, 3/132, 3/133, 3/140F, 3/147A, 3/148A, 3/149, 3/150, 3/152, 3/162, 3/163, 3/164, 3/165, 3/166 SAV, 3/167A, 3/167C, 3/167B, 3/169A, 3/169B, 3/170A C. T. S. No. 3/190, 3/17, 3/18, 3/131, 3/166, 3/672, 3/673A, 3/673B, 3/676, 3/677, 3/678A, 3/678B, 3/679, 3/680G, 3/681 |
4840 | 26100 | 30100 | 36400 | 30100 | ||||
1/6 | Land : Land: 20. On East Road on West of Jawhar Road (Bunder Road) in Dhanu Village, on West Areabean Sea, on South Gujrathi School to Shri Pendharinath Padma Tandel's house, on North leaving aside Gujarati Clinic's Compound. Sheet No. 12, C. T. S. No. 12/364A, 12/364B, 12/365 to 12/372, 12/372A, 12/373B, 12/379, 12/380, 12/381, 12/384 to 12/386, 2/388/1A, 12/388/3 to 12/388/6, 12/718, 12/719, 12/725 |
3800 | 21500 | 27100 | 33300 | 27100 | ||||
1/7 | Land : 21. on East Khajan, on West House Facing towards East on Gandhi Road (Main Road) in Dahanu Village, on South Shri Mansukhlal Dharamdas Shah's House to Shobha Hotel, on North Shri Chimanlal Thakkar's House. Survey No. Sheet No. 5. C. T. S. No. 5/19, 5/20A, 5/200, 5/20B, 5/21, 5/22, 5/23, 5/24, 5/25, 5/26, 5/27, 5/31, 5/32A, 5/32B, 5/33A, 5/33B, 5/34A, 5/34B, 5/35A, 5/35B, 5/36A, 5136B, 5/37, 5/38, 5/39 |
4700 | 23700 | 29400 | 35200 | 29400 | ||||
1/7 | Land : 21, on East Khajan, on West House Facing towards East on Gandhi Road (Main Road) in Dahanu Village, on South Shri Mansukhlal Dharamdas Shah's House to Shobha Hotel, on North Shri Chimanlal Thakkar's House. Sheet No. 6. Survey No. 6/10, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/14, 6/147A1, 6/147A2, 6/147A3, 6/147A4, 6/147A5, 6/147A6, 6/147A7, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/19, 6/20, 6/21, 6/22, 6/23, 6/24, 6/25, 6/26 Sheet No. 6. C. T. S. No. 6/28, 6/29, 6/30, 6/692, 6/693, 6/694, 6/695, 6/696, 6/697 |
4700 | 23700 | 29400 | 35200 | 29400 | ||||
1/8 | Land : 23, on East Khajan, on West Custom's Collector Bungalow, on South Dhanu Creek, on North Dhanu Talav upto Shri Mansukhlal Sumanchand Shah's House. Sheet No. 12, C. T. S. No. 12/391, 12/392, 12/393, 12/394, 12/395, 12/396, 12/397, 12/398, 12/399, 12/400, 12/401, 12/402, 12/403, 12/404, 12/405, 12/406, 12/407, 12/408, 12/409, 12/410, 12/411, 12/412, 12/413, 12/414, 12/415, 12/416, 12/417, 12/418, 12/419, 12/420, 12/421, 12/422, 12/427, 12/434, 12/448A, 12/449, 12/450, 12/451, 12/451A, 12/451B, 12/452, 12/453, 12/454, 12/455, 12/460, 12/559, 12/691 Sheet No. 17, C. T. S. No. 17/193, 17/194, 17/231, 17/232, 17/233, 17/234, 17/235, 17/236, 17/237, 17/238, 17/239, 17/240, 17/241, 17/242, 17/243, 17/244, 17/245, 17/246G, 17/247, 17/428 |
4000 | 21500 | 28800 | 34500 | 28800 | ||||
1/8 | Land : 23, on East Khajan, on West Custom's Collector Bungalow, on South Dhanu Creek, on North Dhanu Talav upto Shri Mansukhlal Sumanchand Shah's House. Sheet No. 13. C. T. S. No. 13/429, 13/430, 13/431, 13/432, 13/433, 13/434, 13/435, 13/436, 13/437, 13/438, 13/439, 13/440, 13/441, 13/442, 13/443, 13/444, 13/445, 13/446, 13/447, 13/448B, 13/456A, 13/456B, 13/465C Sheet No. 16. C. T. S. No. 16/248, 16/249, 16/250, 16/423B, 16/424, 16/425, 16/426 Sheet No. 18. Survey No. 18/1478B |
4000 | 22800 | 28800 | 34500 | 28800 | ||||
1/9 | Land : 24, On East Dhanu Talav and Khajan, on West all Houses facing East on Gandhi Road (Main Road) in Dhanu Village, on South Leaving aside Tehsildar Office, on North Shri Babulal Mithalal's House to Bread (Pav) Bakery's Building included. Sheet No.6. C. T. S. No. 6/40, 6/41, 6/43, 6/44, 6/45, 6/46, 6/47, 6/48, 6/49, 6/698, 6/699 Sheet No. 9. C. T. S. No. 9/48C, 9/50, 9/51, 9/52, 9/53, 9/54, 9/57, 9/58, 9/59, 9/61, 9/62, 9/63, 9/64, 9/66A, 9/66B, 9/67A, 9/67B, 9/68, 9/69, 9/70, 9/71, 9/72, 9/728, 9/729, 9/73, 9/737, 9/74, 9/75, 9/76, 9/77, 9/78, 9/79, 9/80, 9/81, 9/82, 9/83, 9/84, 9/86, 9/97, 9/88, 9/89, 9/90 Sheet No. 10. C. T. S. No. 10/49A, 10/49C, 10/49B, 10/55, 10/56, 10/60, 10/65, 10/700, 10/701, 10/702, 10/703, 10/704 Sheet No. 13. C. T. S. No. 13/100, 13/101, 13/102, 13/103, 13/104, 13/105, 13/106, 13/107, 13/108, 13/109, 13/110, 13/111, 13/112, 13/113, 13/114, 13/115A, 13/115B, 13/116A, 13/116B, 13/117, 13/118, 13/119, 13/120, 13/121, 13/122, 13/123, 13/124, 13/125, 13/126, 13/127, 13/128A, 13/128B, 13/129, 13/130, 13/131, 13/132, 13/133, 13/134, 13/135, 13/136, 13/137, 13/138, 13/139, 13/140, 13/142, 13/143, 13/144, 13/152, 13/153, 13/154, 13/155, 13/156, 13/157, 13/158, 13/159, 13/160, 13/161, 13/172, 13/176A, 13/176B, 13/177, 13/710, 13/714, 13/715, 13/716,13/736, 13/191, 13/192, 13/193, 13/194, 13/195, 13/196, 13/197, 13/198, 13/199 Sheet No. 14, C. T. S. No. 14/145, 14/146, 14/147, 14/148, 14/149, 14/150, 14/151, 14/162, 14/163, 14/164, 14/165, 14/166, 14/167, 14/168, 14/169, 14/170, 14/172, 14/173, 14/174, 14/175, 14/178, 14/179, 14/180 Sheet No. 17. C. T. S. No. 17/181, 17/182, 17/183, 17/184, 17/185, 17/186 Sheet No.18. C. T. S. No. 18/187, 18/188, 18/189 |
4000 | 22200 | 27900 | 35300 | 27900 | ||||
1/9 Note | Note: Survey Number outside Dahanu Municipal Limits. Survey Numbers outside the Limit of Dahanu Municipal Council. Survey No. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 171, 172 |
2230 | 19900 | 21000 | 25400 | 21000 | ||||
1/10 | Land : 25, On East Azad Lane, Tagore Lane, All Houses in Dadabhai Galli, on West on Jawhar Road (Bunder) West Facing Houses, on South Azad Road upto Shri Laxmi Shankar's House and Shri Vinayak Ravji Phanse's House to North Full Tagore Lane and Shri Keshav Bhanji Mehta's full compound and Shri Bipinchandra Shantilal's House. Sheet No. 4. C. T. S. No. 4/589, 4/590, 4/662, 4/664A1, 4/664A2, 4/665 |
4550 | 23100 | 27800 | 35300 | 27800 | ||||
1/10 | Land : 25, On East Azad Lane, Tagore Lane, All Houses in Dadabhai Galli, on West on Jawhar Road (Bunder) West Facing Houses, on South Azad Road upto Shri Laxmi Shankar's House and Shri Vinayak Ravji Phanse's House to North Full Tagore Lane and Shri Keshav Bhanji Mehta's full compound leaving aside Shri Bipinchandra Shantilal's House. Sheet No. 5. C. T. S. No. 5/48A, 5/48B, 5/49A, 5/49B, 5/549, 5/550, 5/551, 5/552, 5/553, 5/554, 5/555, 5/556, 5/557, 5/558, 5/559, 5/560, 5/561, 5/562, 5/563A, 5/563B, 5/564, 5/565, 5/566, 5/566A, 5/567/1, 5/567/2, 5/568, 5/569, 5/570, 5/571, 5/572A, 5/572B, 5/573, 5/574, 5/575, 5/576, 5/577, 5/578, 5/579, 5/580, 5/581, 5/582A, 5/582B, 5/583, 5/584A, 5/584B, 5/585, 5/586, 5/587, 5/588, 5/661, 5/663, 5/663B, 5/664A, 5/664A3, 5/664A4, 5/664B, 5/667, 5/668, 5/669, 5/717, 5/720, 5/722, 5/723, 5/726 Sheet No. 8. C. T. S. No. 8/494, 8/496, 8/497A, 8/497C, 8/497B, 8/498A, 8/499A, 8/499B, 8/500, 8/501, 8/502, 8/503D, 8/503B, 8/504 to 8/512, 8/591, 8/592, 8/593, 8/598, 8/600, 8/601, 8/602, 8/603, 8/604A, 8/604C, 8/604B, 8/605, 8/606A, 8/606B, 8/607, 8/639, 8/647, 8/648, 8/649C, 8/706, 8/707, 8/711, 8/734, 8/738 Sheet No. 9. C. T. S. No. 9/513, 9/514, 9/514B, 9/515, 9/516, 9/517, 9/518, 9/519, 9/520, 9/521, 9/522, 9/523, 9/524, 9/525, 9/526, 9/527, 9/528, 9/529, 9/530, 9/531 A, 9/531 B, 9/532, 9/5333A, 9/533B, 9/534, 9/535, 9/536, 9/537, 9/538A, 9/538A/1, 9/538A/2, 9/538B, 9/539,9/540, 9/541, 9/542A, 9/542C, 9/542B, 9/543, 9/544, 9/545, 9/546A, 9/546B, 9/547A, 9/547B, 9/548, 9/594, 9/595, 9/596, 9/597, 9/599, 9/708, 9/709, 9/721, 9/727, 9/731, 9/732, 9/735 |
4100 | 23100 | 27800 | 35300 | 27800 | ||||
1/10 | Land : 25, On East Azad Lane, Tagore Lane, All Houses in Dadabhai Galli, on West on Jawhar Road (Bunder) West Facing Houses, on South Azad Road upto Shri Laxmi Shankar's House and Shri Vinayak Ravji Phanse's .House to North Full Tagore Lane and Shri Keshav Bhanji Mehta's full compound leaving aside Shri Bipinchandra Shantilal's House. Sheet No. 12. C. T. S. No. 12/382, 12/383A, 12/383B, 12/387, 12/388/1A, 12/388/1B, 12/389, 12/390, 12/479A, 12/479B, 12/480A, 12/480B, 12/481, 12/482, 12/483, 12/484, 12/485, 12/486, 12/487, 12/488, 12/489, 12/490, 12/491A, 12/491C, 12/491B, 12/492, 12/493, 12/495, 12/725 Sheet No. 13. C.T.S. No. 13/457, 13/458, 13/459, 13/461A, 13/461B, 113/462, 13/463, 13/464, 13/465, 13/466, 13/467, 13/468, 13/469, 13/470, 13/471, 13/472, 13/473, 13/474, 13/475, 13/476, 13/477, 13/478, 13/479 |
4700 | 23400 | 29300 | 35000 | 29300 | ||||
1/11 | Land : 26, Sheet No. 11 ) On East Jawhar Road (Bunder) East Facing Houses, on West Arabian Sea, on South Dhanu Creek, on North Gujrathi School and leaving aside Shri Pandarinath Padma Tandel's Compound upto Sea Shore. Sheet No. 11. C. T. S. No. 11/175A, 11/254, 11/257, 11/258, 11/259, 11/260, 11/261, 11/262, 11/263, 11/264G, 11/265, 11/266, 11/267, 11/269, 11/270A, 11/270C, 11/270D, 11/270B, 11/271, 11/272, 11/273, 11/274, 11/275, 11/276, 11/335, 11/336, 11/337, 11/338, 11/339, 11/340, 11/341, 11/342, 11/343 |
4370 | 23000 | 28500 | 33800 | 28500 | ||||
1/11 | Land : 26, Sheet No. 12, 15, 16 and 19 ) On East Jawhar Road (Bunder) East Facing Houses, on West Arabian Sea, on South Dhanu Creek, on North Gujrathi School and leaving aside Shri Pandarinath Padma Tandel's Compound upto Sea Shore. Sheet No. 12. C. T. S. No. 12/253, 12/344G, 12/345G, 12/346, 12/347, 12/348, 12/349, 12/350, 12/351, 12/352A, 12/352B, 12/353, 12/354, 12/355, 12/356, 12/357, 12/358, 12/359, 12/360, 12/361, 12/362, 12/363 Sheet No. 15. Survey No. 15/141, 15/174 Sheet No. 15. C. T. S. No. 15/255, 15/256 Sheet No. 16. C. T. S. No. 16/251, 16/252,16/733 Sheet No. 19. C. T. S. No. 19/180 |
4160 | 23100 | 28500 | 36000 | 28500 |