Murbad MURBAD NAGAR PANCHAYAT Ready Reckoner Rate 2016
Village No. / Zone No. |
Details | Rate of Open Land per Sq. Mtr. |
Rate of Building + Land in Rs. per sq. mtr. Built-up | |||
Residential Building |
Office / Commercial On Above floor |
Shop / Commercial on Ground floor |
Industrial Area | |||
1/1. | Developed land under Residential and other use facing Highway. Survey No. 26 | 2050 | 29500 | 37000 | 44500 | 37000 |
1/2. | Developable land under Residential and other use facing Highway. Survey No. 16to18,20,22to25,32to36,135to138,237to239,245to247 | 1650 | 29300 | 36800 | 44100 | 36800 |
2/1. | Developed land under Residential and other use facing other important roads. Survey No. 7,66 | 2020 | 29300 | 36800 | 44100 | 36800 |
2/2. | Developable land under Residential and other use facing other important roads. Survey No. 8to14,19,21,56,59,65,92 | 1520 | 29100 | 36600 | 44000 | 36600 |
2/3. | Agricultural use land facing other important roads. Survey No. 60to64,100,105to109,118to120,122 | 1650700 | Note : Land Rate per Hectare. | |||
3/1. | Developed land under Residential and other use at other places. Survey No. 4 | 2000 | 29200 | 36700 | 44000 | 36700 |
3/2. | Developable land under Residential and other use at other places. Survey No. 1to6,27to31,37to49,54,55,57,58,67to79,133,134,240to244,249to261 | 1990 | 29200 | 36700 | 44000 | 36700 |
3/3. | Agricultural land at remaining places. Survey No. 50to53,62,80to84,91,92,101to104,110to117,121,123to132,144,145,147,149,151,153 | 1621000 | Note : Land Rate per Hectare. | |||
4/2. | Remaining properties in Gaothan. Survey No. Gaothan | 2090 | 29900 | 37300 | 45000 | 37300 |
6 | Hilly land. Survey No. | 1215500 | Note : Land Rate per Hectare. | |||
7 | Forest. (Reserved & others) Survey No. 85to87, 150,152 | 1215500 | Note : Land Rate per Hectare. | |||
8 | Properties in MIDC. Survey No. 139to143,155to236 | 2070 | ||||