Vikramgad TALUKA VIKRAMGAD Ready Reckoner Rate 2016
Zone No. | INFLUENCE AREA | Rate in Rs. | Calculation Results in |
1 | Hilly Area | 3417800 | Hectare. |
2 | Forest (Reserved / Other). Survey No. 20, 23, 24, 31, 37, 74, 82 | 3414800 | Hectare. |
6 | Jiyarati Land. Survey No. 14 to 19, 25 to 29, 42, 43, 45 to 60, 70, 72, 73, 75 to 78, 82 | 4557000 | Hectare. |
6.01 Jiyarati Land touching highway. Survey No. | 570 | Sq.Mtr. | |
6.02 Jiyarati Land touching highway. Survey No. | 5012700 | Hectare. | |
9 | Non-Agricultural Land. | 1620 | Sq. Mtr. |
9.01 Authorized Non-Agricultural Land touching highway. Survey No. | 1780 | Sq. Mtr. | |
10 | Undeveloped Zone Land. | NA | NA |
10.1 Undeveloped Zone Land. | 1620 | Sq. Mtr. | |
11 | Possible Non-Agricultural Land Rate. | NA | NA |
11.01 Possible Non Agricultural Land touching highway. Survey No. | 1570 | Sq. Mtr. | |
11.1 Possible Non-Agricultural Land. Survey No. 1 to 4, 7 to 13, 21, 22, 32 to 36, 38 to 41, 44, 61 to 69, 71, 72, 73, 79, 80, 81, 83 to 88 | 1430 | Sq. Mtr. | |
12 | Gauthan (Rate Per Sq. Mtr.) | 2180 | Sq. Mtr. |
27 | Other Developing Zone. | NA | NA |
27.2 Residential Flat. | 27400 | Sq. Mtr. | |
27.3 Office on above floor/Industrial. | 40900 | Sq. Mtr. | |
27.4 Shops. | 34300 | Sq. Mtr. | |