
Kopeerkhairne NAVI MUMBAI MUN. CORP. Ready Reckoner Rate 2018

Village Zone NAVI MUMBAI MUN CORP Rate of OpenLand Residential Bldg Office Shop Industrial Area
3/67 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 1. Plot No. 1/1 NE, 1/1, 1/2/B, 1/2/A, 1/2,1/3,1/4,1/4/N, 1/5/S, 1/5,1/6,1/7, 117IA, 1/8/S, 1/8/N, 1/8 to 1/36,1/37/A, 1/37 to 1/93 34400 87700 101900 121500 101900
3/68 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 1 A. Plot No. 1 A/1 to 1 A/33, 1 A/34A, 1 A/34 to 1 A/131 34400 73800 85700 103000 85700
3/69 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.2 Plot No. 2/1 NW, 2/1, 2/2/A, 2/2/8, 2/3, 2/4, 2/4/N, 2/5, 2/5/S, 2/6, 2!7/A, 217, 2/8/N, 2/8/S, 2/8 to 2/95, 2/105 40000 86700 100100 116000 100100
3/70 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.2A. Plot No. 2A/1 to 2AJ55, 2A/55B, 2A/55/A, 2A/56 to 2A/68 388900 88400 101900 120100 101900
3/71 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.3. Plot No. 3/1/A, 3/1,3/2,3/2/A, 3/3, 3/4/EN, 3/4,3/4/N, 3/5,3/5/1,3/6,3/7/A, 317, 3/8/N, 3/8,3/8/S, 3/9 to 3/22,3/24,3/25,3/25/A,
3/26 to 3/84, 3/86, 3/89A, 3/91 /A, 3/94 to 3/100
43300 90500 104300 124400 104300
3/72 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.4. Plot No. 4/1 /A, 4/1, 4/2, 4/2/A, 4/2/13, 4/3, 4/4, 4/4/N, 4/5/S, 4/5, 4/6, 4/7/A, 4/7, 4/8, 4/8/N, 4/8/S, 4/9 to 4/24, 4/24/A, 4/25 to 4/91,
4/91 /A, 4/92 to 4/100
36500 82000 94000 111700 94000
3/73 Koperkhairne Node Sector No 4A. Plot No. 4A/1 to 4A/8, 4A/9/E, 4A/9/W, 4A/9 to 4A/142 35600 79400 93700 111900 93700
3/74 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.5. Piot No. 5/1, 5/l/A, 5/2, 5/2/8, 5/2JA, 5/3, 5/4, 5/4/N, 5/4/EN, 5/5, 5/5/S, 5/6, 5/6/EN, 5/7, 517/A; 5/8, 5/8/N, 5/8/S, 5/9, 5/10, 5/10/EN,
5/11, 5/121A, 5/12/8, 5/12 to 5/24, 5/24/A, 5/248, 5/25 to 5/34,5/35/A, 5/35 to 5/80
42600 86800 100100 122000 100100
3/75 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.6. Plot No. 6/1, 6/l/A, 6/2/A, 6/2,6/2/B, 6/3,6/4,6/4/N, 6/5, 6/5/EN, 6/5/S, 6/6, 6/6/EN, 6/7/EN, 617/A, 6/8, 6/8/N, 6/8/S, 6/9/EN, 6/9 to
6/80, 6/91 /A
42300 89100 106700 121200 106700
3/76 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.7. Plot No. 7/1/A, 7/1, 7/2, 7/2/A, 7/28, 7/3,7/4,7/4/N, 7/4/EN, 7/5/S, 7/5, 7/6, 7/7, 7/7/A, 7/8,7/8/N, 7/8/S, 7/9, 7/9/EN, 7/10 to 7/41,
7/42/A, 7/42 to 7/94
44500 92300 107300 126000 107300
3/77 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.8. Plot No. 8/1/A, 8/1,8/2/A, 8/2,8/28, 8/3, 8/4/EN, 8/4/N, 8/4,8/5,8/5/S, 816,8/7,8f7/A, 8/8,8/8/S, 8/8/N, 8/9, 8/9/EN, 8/10 to 8/42,
8/42/A, 8/43 to 8/90
41600 86800 102900 120600 102900
3/78 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.9. Plot No. 9/1 to 9/6, 9/6/A, 9/7 to 9/20 33200 78600 90900 106100 90900
3/79 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 10. Plot No. 10/1 to 10/6, 10/7/A, 10/7, 10/7/13, 10/8/13, 10/8, 10/8/A, 10/9/C, 10/9/A, 10/9/13, 10/10 to 10/27 38700 83300 98500 119400 98500
3/80 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.11. Plot No. 11/1 to 11/13, 11/14/A, 11/14/1 to 11114/69, 11/15, 11/16, 11/16/A, 11/17, 11/18, 11/18/A, 11 /18/C, 11 /18/13,
11/19, 11/19/A, 11/20, 11/21, 11/22, 11/23, 11/24
47800 101100 116500 138000 116500
3/81 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 12. Plot No. 12/Gaothan 24400 58300 71600 85000 71600
3/82 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 13. Plot No. 13/4/A, 13/8, 13/9, 13/10, 13/11, 13/12 36500 79300 94500 112300 94500
3/83 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 14. Plot No. 14/1 to 14/11, 14/13, 14/14, 14/15, 14/19 to 14/42, 14/42/A, 14/43, 14/44, 14/45, 14/45/A, 14/46, 14/47, 14/52,
14/53, 14/54, 14/55/A, 14/55 to 14/118
40200 89700 104300 119600 104300
3/84 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 15. Plot No. 15/1 /E, 15/1, 15/2, 15/2/13, 15/2/A, 15/3, 15/4,15/4/N, 15/5, 15/5/S, 15/6, 15/7,15/7/A, 15/8/N, 15/8, 15/8/S,
15/9 to 15/82
38100 86500 95800 119000 95800
3/85 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 16. Plot No. 16/l/S, 16/1, 16/2, 16/2/13, 16/2/A, 16/3, 16/4, 16/4/N, 16/5/S, 16/5, 16/6, 16/7/A, 16/7,16/8/N, 16/8, 16/8/S,
16/9 to 16/107
41100 88400 102000 120300 102000
3/86 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 17. Plot No. 17/1 /N, 17/1, 17/2/A, 17/2, 17/2/13, 17/3, 17/4/N, 17/4, 17/5, 17/5/S, 17/6, 1717/A, 17/7,17/8/A, 17/8/13, 17/8/C,
17/8/N, 17/9 to 17/26, 17/27/A, 17/27 to 17/47, 17/48/A, 17/48 to 17/94
43200 89000 102800 119100 102800
3/87 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.18. Plot No. 18/1, 18/1 /N, 18/2/A, 18/2/13, 18/2, 18/3, 18/4/N, 18/4, 18/5/S, 18/5, 18/6, 18/7, 18/7/A, 18/8/N, 18/8/S, 18/8 to
40700 88400 104900 122600 104900
3/88 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 19. Gaothan. 20300 51600 66500 77400 66500
3/89 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.20. Plot No. 20/1 to 20/13, 20/20 to 20/26, 20/26/A, 20/26/13, 20/27 to 20/33, 20/33/A, 20/34 to 20/73 40600 97300 111400 128000 111400
3/90 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.21. Creek.          
3/91 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 12. G.E.S. 28600 72700 82200 98500 82200
3/92 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 19. G.E.S. 23400 67500 77900 91700 77900
3/93 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.22. For Koperkhairne 2A Row Housing. 34000 74800 88800 101200 88800
3/94 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.23. For Koperkhairne 2A Row Housing. 34200 78200 90800 105500 90800
3/95 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.2. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 2/96 to 2/104
40800 87200 101200 123900 101200
3/96 Koperkhairne Node Sector No 72A. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 2A/58 to 2A/62, 2A/64
37200 79900 94400 112900 94400
3/97 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.6. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 6/81 to 6/91
38900 78500 97500 117300 97500
3/98 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.7. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 7/95 to 7/105
39700 84500 100000 118500 100000
3/99 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 10. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 10/9
38900 83200 97500 117300 97500
3/100 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.13. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 13/1 to 13/7, 13/7A
38900 81600 97500 117300 97500
3/101 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 14. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 14/12, 14/16, 14/17, 14/18, 14/18A
38900 83200 97500 117300 97500
3/102 Koperkhairne Node Sector No. 15. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 15/83 to 15/93
34400 82000 94400 112900 94400
3/103 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.18. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 18/76 to 18/84
40200 88100 96300 112900 96300
3/104 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.19 Gaothan. All the properties on road from
Vashi to Koperkhairne
Plot No. 19/230, 19/229
29100 69000 81500 94200 81500
3/105 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.20. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 20/14 to 20/19
42200 90800 105500 126700 105500
3/106 Koperkhairne Node Sector No.3. All the properties on road from Vashi to
Plot No. 3/23, 3/85, 3/87 to 3/93
34300 75800 87600 98700 87600
11/217 Koperkhairne (Part) Non Agricultural Use. Per Sq.Mtr.
Gat No. 312, 492, 506 to 512
14100 43800 52900 62500 52900
15/222 Koperkhairne (Part) Gat No. 26 to 32, 36 to 44 13800 42900 50900 60700 50900

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