
Pendhar PANVEL MUN. COUNCIL Ready Reckoner Rate 2018

Dist Raigad Taluka Panvel Village Pendhar
Village Zone PANVEL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Rate of OpenLand Residential Bldg Office Shop Industrial Area
1.1 Highway facing residential and other use Developed Land. Survey No. 4820 34100 38800 50000 38,800
1.2 Highway facing residential and other use Develo able Land. Survey No. 4140 34000 38400 49700 38400
2.1 Residential and other use Developed Land facing Other important Roads. Survey No. 3590 33900 38100 49500 38100
2.2 Residential and other use Developable Land facing Other important Roads. Survey No. 3420 33700 37900 49300 37900
2.3 Agricultural Land facing Other important Roads. Survey No. Rate per Hectare. 3027400   RATE PER HECATARE    
3.1 Remaining residential and other use Developed Land. Survey No. 3360 33500 37700 49100 37700
3.2 Remaining residential and other use Developable Land. Survey No. 3200 33300 37500 48900 37500
3.3 Remaining agricultural land. Survey No. 2553700   RATE PER HECATARE    
4.2 Gaothan Property. Survey No. 4600 34300 39400 48900 39400
8 Property in MIDC. Survey No. 7890 20000 10000 30000 10000

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